This is a brief story of a time I entertained the involvement of being with a Gay Friendly," content creator. He was Fine, Tall, Bick Dick, Long Hair, No Tattoos...but in a Relationship with a Woman. Though all that was True, His Dick begin to harden even more at the thought of Me Telling Him what to Do with His Body, and yes He came in EVERY Video I Requested, these are the surviving Clips. As He became more invested making my videos, so did his girlfriend's jealousy, which led him to leave the scene altogether. He did one professional sex scene, with a woman, in which... Let's just say, it was bland with a lot of editing, and the dick, wasn't as hard or intense as it was with Me, No Energy. We Never Got to a Private Show Together, Bittersweet. In PART 1, I requested that He put pinchers on His Nipples, after noticing how much he licked them, He was hesitant at first, but after I stopped speaking to him for a while, He came to his senses, and I bought them for him...He Liked It."